Nora Roberts - Circle Trilogy 01 - Morrigons Cross

In the last days of high summer, with lightning striking blue in a black sky, the sorcerer stood on a high cliff overlooking the raging sea…   His heart black with grief rivaling the thundering black clouds.
 Hoyt Mac Cionaoith rails against the evil that has torn his twin brother from their family’s embrace. Her name is Lilith. Existing for thousands of years, she has lured countless men to an immortal doom with her soul-stealing kiss. He vows revenge against this vile creature who snatched away his brother and damned him for eternity.

It is then that the God's take an interest, not out of pity but THEY have a mission of their own - A mission  to prevent Lilith, the powerful vampire from becoming the powerful ruler of all dominion.Morrigon seeks Hoyt and charges him with a crusade, a crusade of saving the world from impending peril.

Hoyt commences on the crusade, searching for the fellow warriors, the powerful five who must be found, to form a ring! Only this circle can completely destroy Lilith. But the mission is not easy, Lilith will throw every obstacle in her path to subvert him. But with the support of his love who becomes his anchor, Hoyt triumphs against the first hurdle  realizing the strength and resilience of his spirit.

Link For Morrigon's Cross:
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